My take on this strange thing we call life.

All text that appears in this blog has come from my mind and are my own opinions.
It will also contain relevant images and quotes and music.
Finally it will contain images of the many tattoo's that I get tempted by.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Quick Song

Just thought I'd introduce you to another band, presuming you've never heard of them. They are called Dry The River. I first heard their song 'New Ceremony' early in 2012, and since then have been hooked. They only have two albums, firstly 'Shallow Bed' and secondly 'Shallow Bed (Acoustic)'. Same songs, whole different album. I loved, and still have a lot of love for them and even labelled the Shallow Bed album my album of 2012. That's saying something when you think Mumford & Sons and The Killers brought out new albums, and they're by far up hovering around the top of my favorite bands. I'm not saying those albums were bad, Babel by Mumford was incredible, just Dry The River have something about them. Something that keeps you gripped, and that was evident when I saw them live. One of the calmest yet best gigs I've ever been to.
Anyway enough babbling, and on to the song. I highly recommend you give their album a listen and I'm sure that 9/10 of you will not be disappointed.
This is New Ceremony.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


One question I've recently started to ask myself is, when does life start to matter? Like at what point should I switch on and think yeah, I need to start doing something now, and start to care where my life is going. This has been brought on due to the occurrence of my exams. I find myself not worrying and not bothering to put in any hard work for what a lot of people would see as a 'good opportunity' to get a good degree. To be honest I'm not fussed about university, or my degree. Obviously I want a decent mark, like at least a 2:1, but I've come to realise also, that university is easy. A little bit of work here and there and your laughing.

So why do I not care, and when should I switch on? Why don't I put in that little effort? Surely I should be planning my future and doing this work now to set myself up for the working life. One answer I give myself is that because I want to enjoy myself. Everything I do in life is chosen because I enjoy it, or because I want to do it. At the moment I don't want to care about my future, to an extent, and just live it as it comes which may sound stupid to some but it's working fine for me. It's made me realise how weird it is that so many people just live a normal life, that seems to be what life should be, e.g. Education, job, work, relationship, retire. I'm not saying it's not the right thing to be doing as everyone is free to do what they want in their own worlds, but it's just not how I  perceive an enjoyable life to be.

So yeah, no real direction in this post other than that I have realised that the world is a big place, and nothing is impossible so why worry about anything now. There are better things to do than worry, so just be happy and live for the present.

Sunday, 20 January 2013


I've recently watched a few Harry Potter films, after not seeing them for ages, and tonight watched The Deathly Hallows part 2. During the film I heard dialogue that fits the way I think almost perfectly, yet have never been able to express to others. I then searched online for other Dumledore quotes, and he makes so much sense and fits in to my way of thinking perfectly. This way of thinking is absent in so many peoples minds and i'm just glad it has been shown in such a big way, to so many people through the books and films.
I know he is a character, written by J.K. Rowling, but if he was real I'd definitely find him and be his friend.
I thought i'd share a few with you.

- "It’s the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more."
- "It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
- "Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
- "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
- "After all to the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."
- "Do not pity the dead Harry.  Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love."

These quotes all seem so thoughtful and meaningful and true, however it is none of these that made me write this post, to share my mind.

-"Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it."

 This is what made me sit and think. This is exactly what I have thought for a while, yet never been able to express to anybody other than try and get across the point of how powerful such a simple invention such as words can be and their arrangement.
I hope people can start to think in a way so that they realise, life isn't what you think it is. Life if just what you make it.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Tree Tattoo

I recently came across the Japanese Tree design and realised I now want one. I've been fond of Japanese designs for a good while, then saw my tattooist has spindly branches running on to the back of his hand and I fell in love. I've wanted a hand tattoo for a good while, and I'm pretty sure this is the solution.
This image above is of a tree-house, but is similar in style to what i'm thinking of (below). Somehow it'll create a lower half sleeve and run on to the back of my hand. I'm not sure what meaning it will have to me, but I suppose tree's are a good representation of life.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Addictions to anything in life have always puzzled me, probably because I've never experienced them myself. I can understand how they work, just not how they can manifest in to someones mind so deeply for the individual not to be able to control it. I thought I'd post about this topic as it's been on my mind recently due to a huge increase in gambling in my life. I love playing poker and I started playing blackjack and roulette a while back but recently read up on a couple of 'systems' then started to formulate my own, basically to increase my chances of winning money. Why work when it's so easy to get money eh?

Focusing on Roulette I got in to a sticky situation where I was basically throwing all my money away (and I mean literally all) due to incredibly bad luck but admittedly, also down to the fact I kept wanting that little bit more. Call it greedy or call it clever... I'll let you decide. However after risking it all, it did work out for me and after betting big amounts simply on the spin of a wheel, I began to wonder if I was getting addicted. I never enjoyed the thought of losing money. No-one would. However I relished the chance of gaining easy money should it work. After thinking in to it; continuing to go back to the roulette wheel, trusting my system and winning again and again; I realised I wasn't addicted. I was just enjoying the thrill of taking such a risk, and it paying off. I knew it wasn't an addiction simply due to the fact I knew I could stop whenever I wanted to. So I did. I don't think addicts can see that in their lives though... A way out so to speak, when in reality everyone has a choice in life. Everyone has the chance to make their life what they want it to be.

Don't get me wrong, I will do it again and bet big in the future. Just for now I don't want to get in to a mindset where I trust it 100%, and then it doesn't work out... For example Black came up 12 times in a row yesterday. The chances of that are ridiculously low and it's a good job I was betting Black, or else I'd have nothing left in my account now. It's this kind of thing that worry's me and makes me glad I still have control. I've come to a conclusion that the knowledge of self control is the key to avoiding addictions. Other than gambling, tattoo's are another thing that I briefly thought could link addictions and myself together. Despite loving tattoo's and wanting more and more; coming up with different ideas almost daily; I know I am in control and would never get one for the sake of it.

For this kind of thinking, I'm glad I have the mind I do and think the way I think. If only other people who can't seem to control it could think in the same way and realise they are the one's in control.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Relationship Decisions

Imagine what you could have in life if you set your mind to it, or just acted upon what you think needs to be done. Technically the possibilities are endless. My aim in life is to end up in Australia, living a good life with money behind me and with the right person. Don’t ask why Australia, but it’s just been a dream of mine to go there since I was a child. Yes I can make all this happen, it’s not hard to make a bit of money, make the right decisions and move out there. You just have to make things happen and make the right choices. The last part of my aim however (the right person) is something I've had to consider a lot recently. 

I often wonder what my life would be like without the one thing that the majority of people in the world look for. A relationship. I've been lucky enough to have been in one for nearly 6 years now and there have defiantly been bad parts to the story, but all in all it’s been good. I feel I have finally found what love is; or my interpretation of it anyway. My only problem however is the curiosity of my life and what could be if I wasn't in a relationship. Is this ‘the right person’ I want for the future? How do I justify which decision to make when it comes to love? I’m not saying that my curiosity lies with wanting to be single and just go sleeping around, or just get into other relationships as I was accused of in a sense, because I don’t. I’d just want to have the freedom for a while and see where it takes me. Like an adventure so to speak. But then there’s the uncertainty that lies beyond. I know it isn't fair on my girlfriend, but she already knows this as we had a big talk last summer and from what I thought was a definite path in my life (leaving her), she made me see a bit of sense and give her another chance, for which I’m grateful. I had decided that splitting up was the correct decision and only option to clear my mind and move forward with my life, yet by convincing me other-wise here we are. I'm not saying it's perfect now, as I wouldn't be writing this, but it's a whole lot better and I don't feel I have any big questions to decide.
I don't really have an answer on when the time is right to sit down and talk about any problems, or how to make the right decision. I suppose only you in your own mind know that. I'm guessing most relationships come to this stage and everyone deals with it differently. I chose this choice, to give her another chance, and my life has moved on. Whether it was the right choice or not, I'll never know. You never do know what will be, unless you try it.

I could go on in different directions talking about relationships, and my interpretation on them, but I’ll save that for the future. I’m happy at the moment, but like I already have been doing, I will start to wonder again. Wonder what I could have and wonder if I could be happier. I’m not expecting a perfect relationship with a perfect woman; I’ll just have to see where this one takes me. Only time will tell if she is the one for me and joins me Australia to complete the perfect scenario.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Song of the day

Not really had and feelings, moods or thoughts to post about today other than the fact 'Mad Dogs' is a very good tv series, and well worth watching. I've been listening to piano music for the majority of the day, however whilst doing my weights this song came on and I can't get enough of it. It's from the same band I posted yesterday, Imagine Dragons, but I felt it too good not to share with you. It is called Bleeding Out.

And just to fit in with my calm day full of piano, here's the same song piano-ised.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Feeling Down?

So I've been in a bit of a dark place over the last week. Mainly caused by too many thoughts in to my relationship, what I want from it and what I want in the future.
Luckily I know to control myself and know these phases come in patches, so I just had to ride it out.
What works for me however is the influence of music on my mindset. The lyrics and style of a piece of music, as well as friends to talk to, is what gets me through and I basically want to share with you my band of choice that I hope can help anyone else who has similar feelings about life; and relationships in particular.
The band is 'Imagine Dragons' and my song of choice for you is 'On Top of the World'. Quality band that I've just discovered and such an uplifting track.
I hope this can help at least one other person, and remember you are always in control.

Motivational giraffe

Possibility for the future. Maybe ribs or outside ankle?

Ankle tattoo

I already have definate plans for my left ankle, however this is quite tempting.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

A brief idea about life

What is life? Surely there is a reason why we’re here. Some people say there's only one thing we’re certain of in life; that we die. I disagree. Who knows that we die? In my mind we only know what has happened first hand to us. I haven’t died yet so I don’t know that I will do in the future, and presumably no one reading this has died yet so how do you know it happens? How do you know that it is a part of life? This may seem strange as you know people that have died and it may, like myself, lead to thoughts of death. Not suicide, but a deeper look into whether I can die or not and whether it does exist.
This whole idea, and a deeper expansion of it is all linked to Solipsism (look it up, it’s interesting) but I won’t go into that theory right now; maybe another time. My way of thinking is that my mind is the only thing I can be certain of existing therefore must be the definition of life. However this  is a definition that I can't define, but just understand. Even I confuse myself but it makes sense... What if everything I see is a projection of my mind that I can’t control, other than what I do with my body and speech. In my mind no one is reading this because my ‘projection’ can’t physically witness anyone reading it. We can't be sure of anything in this life as it is all based on perception and what we believe. Deep thinking I know but if you understand it and accept it, instead of washing it away and just accepting the perceived world, then it’s quite a clever thought.